
From 1 June 2020, terms for cash withdrawal from banking accounts of legal entities shall change.

In order to comply with the requirements of the Resolution of the Management Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 50 dated 21 April 2020 “On the threshold amounts of cash withdrawals by legal entities from banking accounts during a calendar month and categories of legal entities that are not subject to the requirement of cash withdrawal from banking accounts”, cash withdrawals by legal entities from banking accounts during a calendar month shall be performed in the amounts not exceeding:


For small business enterprises


For medium business enterprises


For major business enterprises



20, 000, 000

(twenty million) tenge



120, 000, 000

(one hundred twenty million) tenge



150, 000, 000

(one hundred fifty million) tenge


Exceeding the established limits shall be allowed if legal entities provide the appropriate justification to the Bank (an agreement or other documents certifying the necessity to withdraw cash). The application for increasing the cash withdrawal amount shall be approved by the Bank within three business days with the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The Bank also set a monthly limit for cash withdrawals on customer corporate cards in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) tenge.


Attention! If the customer holds a corporate card, the limit for withdrawing from the current account of a legal entity shall be less by the amount of the limit set on the corporate card.

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