
Dear Customers!

The outlets will provide only consulting from March 19 to March 23, 2016 (inclusive) due to technical maintenance.


Services that will NOT be available include:


– opening, closing a current or savings account; adding/withdrawing money from an account; converting an account.

– transfers within Eurasian Bank, from Eurasian Bank to another Kazakhstan bank, or international transfers, either in tenge or another currency.

– currency exchange transactions, either purchases or sales.

– transactions at a teller window, electric cash register or a Eurasian Bank sales terminal at a company selling products or services.

– account statements and references.

– payments to the government or a service provider at an Express Cashier teller window.

– loan payments.


If you have a Eurasian Bank loan, please make the payment early so it gets to us on time.


SmartBank online banking services will also be restricted from March 19 to 23. Services that WILL be available include:


  • checking balances and card account statements.
  • making transfers between Eurasian Bank card accounts.
  • using a card account for making payments to the government, Kazakhtelecom, Alseko, Data Computing Center (IVTs), Astanaenergosbyt, Onay and cable television companies.
  • blocking/unblocking payment cards.
  • starting/ending the use of payment cards to make purchases online.


We apologize for any inconvenience these changes cause.


Information on the working hours of outlets will be posted on the website.


If you have a question, go to any bank outlet or call us at 7722 on your cellphone. The call is free from anywhere in Kazakhstan.

Ваш город: Алматы.

Order a call back


Your application is accepted. Our manager will call you back shortly.


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Ваша заявка принята. Наш менеджер перезвонит Вам в самое ближайшее время для уточнения деталей.


Получить консультацию


Ваша заявка принята. Наш менеджер перезвонит Вам в самое ближайшее время для уточнения деталей.

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