
Eurasian Bank IT Managing Director Spoke About Bank Operations After Quarantine

Aleksey Kan, Eurasian Bank IT Managing Director, became the first guest of the Green Corridor, Kaspersky Lab and Forbes’ joint project.


Aleksey Kan and Yevgeny Pitolin, Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab in Central Asia, the CIS and the Baltic States, talked about what happened to the Bank in the process of remote work and what the future awaits after the quarantine.


«I know that everything is more or less stable with Eurasian Bank, you have recently been capitalized, the rating has been confirmed, and everything is going in the planned corridor. However, not everyone does. To survive, go further up – how will the role of a financial institution change? After all, the Bank 20 years ago – one story, 15 years ago – another. Now the Bank is a digital assistant. The Bank of 2020, after the coronavirus. What is it? How will the role of a financial institution change?»


«The Bank of 2020 after the quarantine should be mostly a digital Bank. The situation in the country is difficult, we will not return to the previous state, and we expect that the global economy is sagging. How will this affect banks? Banks will have to scale back their service locations and points of presence, i.e. switch to digital channels that are more profitable operationally. If a service network of 20 outlets can serve 20 thousand customers, a single mobile app can serve 100 thousand customers. That is, the cost of maintaining the operating system and staff, administration and development is comparatively less than maintaining a network and renting offices. All banks will go to digital channels, plus the impact of the coronavirus: social distancing, fewer physical meetings, communication, and reduced risk of infection lead to going to remote channels. Our Bank was ready for this development, and we have been actively promoting our mobile app since last year. Each outlet has a dedicated employee who tells you how to go to the mobile app. The main goal is to transfer customers from the physical to the digital outlet».


«IT will become one of the key players in any industry, including Finance. If IT was a business assistant before, IT will soon become a key participant. Most of the services provided by financial institutions will be performed using remote communication channels, video calls, and digital identification», says Aleksey.


The full version of the interview is available on the Forbes Kazakhstan YouTube channel.

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