
Press Release

Business Auto Loan from Eurasian Bank Recognized as the Best Product According to International Finance

28 September 2021


Eurasian Bank was awarded the Best Auto Loan for SME international award of the International Finance magazine.


The International Finance Banking Awards highlight the industry achievements of banks that are leaders in innovation, infrastructure development and customer orientation. The winners are selected by a research group of industry experts from different countries by reviewing and discussing the candidates’ programs. The award has been held annually since 2013.


“SME auto loans are one of the most popular programs of our Bank. We tried to develop a useful and unique product that helps entrepreneurs to literally push their business. The award is a pleasant surprise for us. We are happy that this loan program was recognized by international experts. During the coronavirus pandemic, this is especially important, because business needs support more than ever,” Deputy CEO Ms. Lyazzat Satiyeva shared her impressions.


The loan program for purchase of cars for business was launched in March 2019, today its share in the SME bank portfolio is 21%. Lending is possible both under the state support programs, and under Eurasian Bank’s own terms.


The Auto SME product is a clear example of the positive impact of process automation. It applies a simplified and accelerated loan application review. In general, the process takes about 30 minutes.


Definitely, the potential of SME auto loans for the entire banking industry is huge and Eurasian Bank has become a kind of starting point for the further development of this banking service.


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                            Eurasian Bank Press Service

by e-mail: press@eubank.kz









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