
Eurasian Bank increased its equity by KZT 6 bln

ALMATY, March 15, 2017 – Equity of Eurasian Bank has been increased by KZT 6 bln. Thus, the shareholder’s capital of the Bank has increased to KZT 57.1 bln, and regulatory capital has exceeded KZT 103.9 bln. As a result, capital adequacy ratios of Eurasian Bank, which complied with the regulator’s requirements before, now substantially exceed them:


– k1-1 and k1-2 ratios have increased to 9.8%

– k2 ratios have grown to 11.7%


Total number of placed ordinary shares of the Bank have grown to 918 471, the price of one share is KZT 6 532.


“Another capital increase demonstrates not only the shareholders support, but also indicates that Eurasian Bank is confidently looking into the future. Our Bank intends to develop and provide first class service to our customers, which today are more than 2 million”, commented Pavel Loginov, CEO and a member of the Board of Directors.


We remind that the last increase in the Eurasian Bank capital by KZT 15 bln was in September, 2016.


For information:


Eurasian Bank is a universal commercial bank offering products and services to clients in all segments. The Bank was founded in 1994.  It covers all regions of Kazakhstan and has a subsidiary in Russia (Moscow) with Branches in Novosibirsk and Omsk. It is rated “B” by S&P with a “stable” outlook. Eurasian Bank is a member of KASE and a party to KazPrime.

The Bank’s accomplishments were acknowledged by the following awards: Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2014 (IAIR), Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2013, 2014 and 2015 (EMEA Finance), Domestic Retail Bank of the Year, Kazakhstan in 2012, 2013,  2015 and 2016 (Asian Banking & Finance), Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2012 (Euromoney), and Bank of the Year 2012 and 2014 Kazakhstan (The Banker).


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