
Eurasian Bank Shares Important Recommendations for Protection against Fraud

Modern technologies made everyday life more convenient, but, unfortunately, they also opened up new opportunities for fraudsters. Financial criminals use various tricks to extort money from citizens.

How to Protect Yourself from Scammers?

• Do not answer calls from unknown numbers — scammers can use any scheme to get your data.
• Never share personal information over the phone — neither banks nor government agencies ask you to transfer money.
• Set a ban on loans via egov.kz — this will protect against loan fraud.
• Use different cards for different purposes — one for storing funds, the other for online transactions.
• Beware of offers of quick earnings and profitable deals, such as investments in various companies — these are often the tricks of scammers.
• Protect your phone and devices by setting a code and do not give your phone to strangers, even on the streets.
• Always check the information — call relatives or colleagues before transferring money.
• If something seems suspicious, immediately stop talking and hang up the phone.

What Should I Do if I Become a Victim of Fraud?

Immediately call the Bank Contact Center or visit the nearest Outlet. As soon as the customer reports fraud to the Bank, the information is immediately registered in the Anti-Fraud Center, which allows financial institutions to quickly block suspicious transactions. The sooner you report the incident, the more likely you are to get the money back.


Eurasian Bank customers can call the following numbers around the clock:
+7 (771) 000-77-22 — Beeline;
+7 (700) 000-77-22 — Tele/Altel;
+7 (702) 010-77-22 — KCell/Activ.


If you wish to file a complaint about fraudulent activities or for other reasons, fill out the form at the link: https://eubank.kz/feedback/


It is important to remember that the world of finance requires us to be attentive and aware, especially now when scammers use not only psychological methods, but also modern technologies, AI.  Taking care of its customers, Eurasian Bank released a series of videos with different situations, but with a common way to counter fraudsters. Take care of yourself and your finances!

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