
Eurasian Bank Supports Customers in Difficult Times

Eurasian Bank cancels fines and penalties for customers who have overdue loans during the emergency state from 5 to 19 January 2022.



“I express my sincere condolences to the families of servicemen and law enforcement officers who died during the riots. The Bank will write off existing loans to them.



I want to assure you that the deposits of all customers are in complete safety. The Bank card is valid all over the world without restrictions with the terminals’ access to the Internet connection. Despite the fact that the Bank Branch and 3 Outlets in Almaty were affected by the actions of vandals, we are working to organize service in other premises.



All other Bank Branches in Almaty and other cities of Kazakhstan are safe, we are doing everything possible to restore the operations of the branch network in the very near future,” said Valentin Morozov, Chairman of the Management Board.



Access to the Smartbank mobile app has already been restored. Depending on the region of Kazakhstan, there may still be temporary delays in access, but these are eliminated as the Internet connection improves.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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