
Eurasian Bank (hereinafter - the Bank) took part in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan project under the name of Suńqar.

Press Release, Almaty, 7 February 2019


Suńqar is a system of instant transfers by the simplified details of the recipient, namely – by phone number. Eurasian Bank implemented the transfers via the Suńqar system in the Smartbank mobile application. Currently, transfers are possible within and between Eurasian Bank, Bank CenterCredit and Altyn Bank (Subsiddiary Bank of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited).


“Thanks to the implemented Suńqar project, Eurasian Bank customers got the opportunity to send money even more easily both within our mobile application and to customers of other banks. We are grateful to the National Bank for the implementation of this project. Such initiatives positively influence the banking industry development and the quality of service”, noted Pavel Loginov, CEO of Eurasian Bank.

The first wave of Smartbank updates with transfers by phone number will be for owners of smartphones based on Android. Release for iOS is scheduled for April 2019.


After installing the update, in order to transfer money, it will be enough to enter the recipient’s phone number in the “Transfers by phone number” section, select the receiving bank and specify the transfer amount. You can optionally add a text message.


As of February 7, 2019 for inter-bank transfers, there are restrictions on the amount – minimum 100 tenge, maximum 500,000 tenge per transaction without daily limits on the amount; for intra-bank transfers – a minimum of 100, a maximum of 500,000 tenge per transaction and a maximum of 5,000,000 tenge per day.


The fee for inter-bank transfers is 0.2% of the amount (250 tenge – minimum), for intra-bank transfers the fee is not provided.


About the Bank

Eurasian Bank is a socially important commercial bank of Kazakhstan with a 24-year history of development. The financial institution occupies a leading position in the retail banking business and provides a wide range of services to corporate and SME clients. The Bank is actively developing auto lending, POS-lending, payment card channel, mobile banking and payroll projects.

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+7 (727) 259-95-99, Ext. 3453


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