
Eurasian Bank Among 50 Reliable Banks of Neighboring Countries — 2023 According to Forbes.ru

Press release

Almaty, 24 March 2023


Eurasian Bank Entered Rating of 50 Reliable Banks of Neighboring Countries — 2023 According to Forbes.ru.


Among the financial institutions from Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, the list includes 10 Kazakhstani banks.


As the authors of the rating explain, banks are ranked based on the assessments of international credit rating agencies – Fitch, Moody’s, Standard& Poor’s, as well as the size of assets. The higher ratings a bank has, the higher its position.


Eurasian Bank JSC is a socially significant financial institution, the seventh in terms of assets among Kazakhstani banks. Occupies a leading position in the retail banking market, provides a wide range of services to corporate customers and SMEs. The forecast of the Bank’s rating on the Moody’s scale — B2 was confirmed on 15 December 2022 with a “positive” outlook. The Bank belongs to the ecosystem of the ERG group (one of the largest companies in the world in the field of mining and processing of mineral resources).


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