
Global Finance Named Eurasian Bank Trade Finance Best in 2020

21 October 2020, Almaty, – Eurasian Bank was recognized as the best in Kazakhstan in 2020 in trade finance according to the results of the World’s Best Trade Finance Providers 2020 regular rating of the Global Finance internal financial publication.


The magazine editors, cooperating with the industry analysts, CEOs, and technology experts, selected the best trade finance banks in 97 countries and 8 regions of the world.


“The winners are not always the largest, but rather those banks that best serve specific needs of corporations involved in cross-border trade. Global Finance uses its own algorithm that includes knowledge of local conditions and customer needs, financial stability and security, strategic relationships and management, competitive prices, investment and product and service innovation,” the magazine said.


Eurasian Bank has repeatedly been recognized as a trade finance leader by the Global Finance magazine, the previous time – in 2017. This time the Bank was nominated at the beginning of the year, but only recently the award arrived at the head office.


“We are glad that we traditionally justify our customers’ trust and, according to experts, we are leaders in providing the best service level and competence in trade finance. The total volume of transactions in 2019 exceeded 371 million US dollars, and as of 1 October 2020 – 485 million US dollars. As in the previous year, the main volume consists of export transactions. Relying on our experience, we are constantly improving the letter of credit issue procedure to make the product more attractive to the customer, through considering the business specifics,” said Mr. Valentin Morozov, CEO of the Bank.


Eurasian Bank with its developed correspondent network offers a full range of trade finance services. The Bank seeks to significantly reduce commercial and financial risks in export-import transactions, using tools that received wide international recognition due to their reliability and convenience:

– Import and export documentary letters of credit;

– Financing of trade transactions;

– Advising on export guarantees;

– Documentary collection;

– Structuring of transactions under counter-guarantees.


Global Finance Magazine has been published in the United States since 1987. More than 50 thousand copies of the magazine are distributed in 163 countries, the main readership is top managers, international company and bank finance directors responsible for making investment and strategic decisions.


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