
In Eurasian Bank PJSC a new Board of Directors was elected, Pavel Loginov became its Сhairman

17 April 2017, Moscow


At the annual general meeting of shareholders of the public joint-stock company (PJSC) Eurasian Bank, held on 14 April 2017, a new Board of Directors of the Bank was elected. It includes Loginov Pavel Vyacheslavovich, Smirnova Yelena Nikolayevna, Pechenkin Oleg Vladimirovich, Shodieva Munisa, Ayazbaev Nurbek Nurlanovich.


Also on 14 April 2017, a meeting of the Board of Directors was held, at which Pavel Loginov was elected the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurasian Bank PJSC.

Eurasian Bank PJSC is a Russian subsidiary of Eurasian Bank JSC, one of the largest banks in Kazakhstan, headed by Pavel Loginov from December 2016.


Pavel Loginov:

“The change in the composition of the Board of Directors is related to the Bank’s new development strategy aimed at improving efficiency through modernization of operational processes, implementation of modern customer service technologies, and improvement of the risk assessment system. As part of implementation of the new strategy, we plan not only to significantly increase efficiency of the parent bank in Kazakhstan, but radically re-format operations of the Russian subsidiary. Our main task is to focus on a clear, understandable set of products in which we today have competitive advantages. In particular, we occupy more than 50% of the car loans market of Kazakhstan and are among the top three leaders in POS-crediting. In addition, we will be developing card products direction as well as serving SME customers. At the moment, more than half of our business is in the corporate sector. We plan to shift the focus to retail business and increase its share to 60% within 5 years. All this applies to the Russian bank as well. Our global aim is to become a transactional hub throughout the entire Eurasian territory, by having started to work, in addition to Kazakhstan and Russia, in the markets of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia as well.”




Pavel Vyacheslavoich Loginov is a professional banker with a 20-year experience in the banking market.

Born on 10 March 1971 in Moscow. In 1993 graduated from Economics Faculty of Moscow Aviation Institute, in 2002 – Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

From 1997 to 2008 he worked at Russian Credit, ONEXIM Bank, and Rosbank. As a Vice President of Rosbank he managed relations with  major corporate clients of the bank.

In 2004-2008, as Director of Rosbank’s Central Territorial Administration he managed the project of integration of “Mutual Loan Association” and Rosbank.

From 2008 to 2014 Mr. Loginov occupied the position of the Chairman of the Management Board of Metcombank, affiliated with Alexey Mordashov’s SeverStal Group of Companies.

Since 2015 Pavel Loginov worked in Novikombank, affiliated with Russian Technologies State Corporation, where he occupied the positions of Deputy Chaiman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer. He was responsible for elaborating the development strategy, corporate business, SME, retail business, regional network, overdue debt operations, and interactions of the bank with GosOboronZakaz (Defense Procurement).


Eurasian Bank is a universal Kazakhstan bank, founded in 1994. It has a subsidiary in Russia (Moscow) with branches in Novosibirsk, Omsk and Chelyabinsk. It is rated “B” by S&P with a “stable” outlook. Eurasian Bank is a member of KASE and a party to KazPrime. The Bank’s accomplishments were acknowledged by the following awards: Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2014 (IAIR), Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2013, 2014 and 2015 (EMEA Finance), Domestic Retail Bank of the Year, Kazakhstan in 2012, 2013,  2015 and 2016 (Asian Banking & Finance), Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2012 (Euromoney), and Bank of the Year 2012 and 2014 Kazakhstan (The Banker)..


Eurasian Bank belongs to the owners of Eurasian Resources Group S.a.r.l. («ERG»), a large diversified company in extraction and development of natural resources area, representing more than 4% of Kazakhstan’s GDP and about a third of its metallurgical and mining industry. To date, Eurasian Resources Group is the largest ferrochromium producer and one of the main producers of iron ore and alumina in the world. Eurasian Resources Group’s production assets and development projects cover four continents. The company is the largest employer in the industry als well. The Group is represented by more than 80,000 employees around  the world. The shareholders of the Group: Aleksandr Mashkevitch, Alidzhan Ibragimov and Patokh Shodiev.


Press Office of Eurasian Bank JSC:

Tel. +7 (727) 2 599 599 (4945)

press@eubank.kz www.eubank.kz

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