
International credit-rating agency Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC confirmed Eurasian Bank’s B/B long-term rating outloook

ALMATY, June 29, 2018, Press Release Eurasian Bank (the Bank) informs that Standard & Poor’s international credit-rating agency confirmed the bank’s long-term B/B rating outlook, and heightened rating on a national scale due to the criteria review.


In Standard & Poor’s (the agency) press release the Bank significance for the Kazakhstan banking system is noted, which “reflects its significant market share in the retail deposits segment and leading positions in the consumer (especially auto) loans segment, as well as participation in the banking system recapitalization state program”.


According to Pavel Loginov, CEO of Eurasian Bank, “Eurasian Bank seeks to build a profitable business model. The actions of the credit-rating agency and the results of the Bank’s operating activity for 5 months of this year reflect the rightly chosen focus in the Bank’s development strategy, its turn towards retail business. The Bank’s stability was also confirmed by the S&P agency, which not only maintained the Bank rating on the international scale at the same level (B/Neg/В), but also heightened the rating outlook on the national scale from kzBB to kzBB +”.


About the Bank

Eurasian Bank is a Kazakhstan commercial socially important financial institution  with a  24-year history of development. The Bank opccupies a leading position in the retail banking market and provides a wide range of services to corporate and SME customers, and is amongst largest top ten commercial banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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