
0.1 % Interest Loan from Eurasian Bank

ALMATY, July 1, 2017 – Eurasian Bank launched the Loan at 0.1%. unique action. Under this action Clients who obtain unsecured loans with Eurasian Bank from July 1 to December 31, 2017, become participants in the lottery of 96 loans at an unprecedented rate of 0.1%.


Under the terms of the action, at registration of a loan agreement, borrower’s contacts shall be automatically entered into the participant database. Starting from July 1, every month the Bank will conduct a drawing of 16 loans using the software for determining random numbers, and the lottery winners will be granted soft loans.


At the end of each round, no later than the 10th day of the following month, lucky loan agreements numbers of the action winners will be published on the Bank official website.


“Eurasian Bank has launched a completely unique product, which has not yet had analogies in the Kazakhstan market. In fact, the Bank action allows any client to expect to get an almost interest-free loan. We will continue to offer interesting and innovative solutions to our customers in the future. In the current year, we are placing stake on retail business and are focused on expanding the product offer, as well as enhancing our products and customer service quality”, commented Mr. Pavel Loginov, the CEO of the Eurasian Bank JSC Management Board.


Eurasian Bank is a universal Kazakhstan bank, founded in 1994. It has a subsidiary in Russia (Moscow) with branches in Novosibirsk, Omsk and Chelyabinsk. It is rated “B” by S&P with a “stable” outlook. Eurasian Bank is a member of KASE and a party to KazPrime. The Bank’s accomplishments were acknowledged by the following awards: Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2014 (IAIR), Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2013, 2014 and 2015 (EMEA Finance), Domestic Retail Bank of the Year, Kazakhstan in 2012, 2013,  2015 and 2016 (Asian Banking & Finance), Best Bank in Kazakhstan 2012 (Euromoney), and Bank of the Year 2012 and 2014 Kazakhstan (The Banker)..


Eurasian Bank belongs to the owners of Eurasian Resources Group S.a.r.l. («ERG»), a large diversified company in extraction and development of natural resources area, representing more than 4% of Kazakhstan’s GDP and about a third of its metallurgical and mining industry. To date, Eurasian Resources Group is the largest ferrochromium producer and one of the main producers of iron ore and alumina in the world. Eurasian Resources Group’s production assets and development projects cover four continents. The company is the largest employer in the industry as well. The Group is represented by more than 80,000 employees around the world. The shareholders of the Group: Aleksandr Mashkevitch, Alidzhan Ibragimov and Patokh Shodiev.


Press Office of Eurasian Bank JSC:

Tel. +7 (727) 2 599 599 (4945)

press@eubank.kz www.eubank.kz

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