
Eurasian Bank Rating Confirmed with Stable Outlook

Almaty, April 13, 2022 — The Moody’s Investors Service credit rating agency (Moody’s) confirmed the Eurasian Bank’s long-term rating at the B2 level with a stable outlook, according to the agency’s press release received by the Bank.


The confirmation of the rating reflects Moody’s expectations regarding the Bank’s sustainable development. The stable outlook on long-term ratings takes into account the assessment of the Bank’s sufficient capitalization, good profitability and high liquidity, which allows managing the risks of a possible weakening of asset quality due to higher inflation and tougher business conditions.


According to the agency, the operating environment and creditworthiness of Kazakhstan banking sector remain resistant to social and political risks, as shown by the extraordinary events in January 2022.


Eurasian Bank is a socially important commercial bank of Kazakhstan with a 28-year history of development. It is one of the ten largest banks in the country in terms of assets, occupies a leading position in the retail banking market, provides a wide range of services to corporate clients and SMEs. The Bank belongs to the ecosystem of the ERG Group (one of the largest companies in the world in the field of mining and processing of mineral resources).

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