
Series of Business Breakfasts for Entrepreneurs: Asel Mashanova’s Advice to Eurasian Bank Clients

This year, in honor of its 30th anniversary, Eurasian Bank launched a series of business breakfasts for SME clients. These meetings are held in several cities of Kazakhstan, providing businessmen with the opportunity to gain new knowledge and motivation for the development of their companies. At the moment, business breakfasts have already been held in Karaganda, Kostanay and Taraz, causing a wide response among the participants.

One of the key speakers is Asel Mashanova, a successful entrepreneur, founder of Lulu Group, Method and Metafarm. In her speeches, she shares unique insights and gives valuable business development advice. One of the main themes of her speeches is the importance of thinking for success. According to Asel, it is the special entrepreneurial mindset that distinguishes businessmen from other people. This allows them to see opportunities and grow not only in business, but also in their personal lives.

Mashanova emphasizes that the success of the company largely depends on a strong team. “We don’t just build companies, we create teams,” Assel says. She advises entrepreneurs not to skimp on personnel and attract the best specialists, even if they are located outside the country.

Asel shows from her own experience that in the modern world it is possible to work with professionals from anywhere in the world: she has employees working from Bangkok and America.

Mashanova also touches on the topic of finding your niche in business. According to her, there are many global business opportunities today. Access to online learning from the world’s best universities such as Harvard and Stanford, training from coaches with proven results – all this opens up huge prospects for development.

Communication with Asel Mashanova was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Participants could ask questions, share their “pains” and get practical advice.

The meetings were a real source of inspiration for all present, each participant left with new knowledge and ideas for further development.

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