
Seven Financial Sector Women Given State Awards on 8 March Eve

The Chairperson of the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market Ms. Madina Abylkasymova presented state awards to financial sector employees on behalf of the Head of State. During the ceremony, she stressed that this is a recognition of the exceptional merits and professionalism of financial sector employees by the country’s leadership.


Lyazzat Satiyeva, Eurasian Bank CEO, and Nurbike Makhambetova, NBRK Tax Department, were awarded the Qurmet (Respect) Order for their significant contribution to the development of the country’s financial sector.

The Yeren Yenbegi Ushin (For Distinguished Labour) medals were awarded to Irina Kushnareva, First Deputy Chairperson of the Board of the Kazakhstan Association of Financial Organizations, Sholpan Ainabayeva, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of SkyBridge Invest JSC, Gulmira Prmanshayeva, Deputy CEO of Amanat IC JSC, Assel Zhomartova, Director of the Kostanay Branch of Eurasia IC JSC, Fauziya Nurtdenova, Deputy Director of Karaganda Branch of NOMAD Insurance IC JSC.


The Chairperson stressed that Eurasian Bank and Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan are actively involved in corporate lending, and SME lending is increasing.


The Agency’s Chairperson highlighted the contribution of the head of SkyBridge Invest, Sholpan Ainabayeva, to the implementation of the large-scale People’s IPO Program and separately noted the work of the insurance sector representatives on resolving insurance claims during the emergency in 2022 and last year’s large-scale floods.


The Head of the Agency noted women’s significant role in the dynamic development of the financial market and wished them further professional success.


Today, women make up 57% of employees from the total number of specialists in the financial market. Women successfully head leading insurance organizations, investment companies, and banks. Today, 10 out of 21 banks in our country have female managers.

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