
Eurasian Bank Board of Directors Elected New Members of Management Board

ALMATY, February 27, 2018, Press Release Eurasian Bank (the Bank) informs that on the basis of the decision of the Eurasian Bank’s Board of Directors the new members of the Management Board were elected.


Shukhrat Abdirasulovich Sadyrov was appointed Deputy CEO of Eurasian Bank. Mr. Sadyrov’s responsibility is to develop the corporate and SME business block. Shukhrat Sadyrov has been working in the banking sector since 2003, among his achievements – taking leading positions in the size of the corporate portfolio of such banks as Sberbank and ATF Unicredit  among Kazakhstani second-tier banks and actively participating in SME support programs through the Damu Fund. Graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, London School of Business and Cranfield School of Management, holds Master of Business Administration and Master of Finance degrees and is a member of the Board of the Bolashak Program Graduates Association.


Ivan Vladimirovich Belokhvostikov was transferred to the position of Deputy CEO of Eurasian Bank from the position of Managing Director, he will continue to supervise the Bank’s retail business. Mr. Belokhvostikov has a 12-year experience in development of retail and corporate business of major international and Russian banking groups of Société Générale, BNP Paribas, Russian Agricultural Bank, Probusinessbank and MTS-Bank. Has experience in withdrawing units from losses, controlling budget execution, ensuring revenue growth and guarantee portfolio (by 14% and 63% respectively), introducing new channels of attraction – partnership and telemarketing, managing retail and small business sales in the bank branch network (over 100 offices). Among his achievements is bringing the bank in less than 1 year into the top ten on retail lending and increasing the number of regions of presence by half (Paribas Vostok). He was engaged in client service modification, NPS implementation, and change in attitudes towards claim work. He has a higher engineering and technical education (computing techniques and automated systems software), candidate of technical sciences, МВА (Management).


Sabyrzhan Madiyevich Bekbosunov was transferred to the position of Deputy CEO, responsibility zone – the Bank’s security service. Mr. Bekbosunov is a State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class, worked for 37 years in law enforcement agencies, from 2003 to 2006 he held the post of Vice Minister of Justice. A recipient of the awards – Order of Respect and Order of Glory, second grade and Astana Order, Order For Distinguished Labour, and 10 Years of Independence of Kazakhstan, 10 Years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 10 years of Astana medals. Graduated from the Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov with a degree in Law.


Dina Zeynelovna Katekova was transferred to the position of Deputy CEO from the position of Managing Director of the Bank. She will continue to supervise the Bank’s analytical unit, which includes the functions of credit analysis of projects, analysis of the financial standing of potential corporate customers (mortgagors, guarantors). Ms. Katekova has been working in the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2001, she has many years of experience including on the positions of the top manager in the field of corporate lending and strategic development in banks and other financial institutions: ATF Bank, Otan Open Pension Savings Fund, Standard Ins Insurance Company, KazExportGarant IC. Has a higher education (mathematics and computer science specialty), Bachelor of Finance.


Thus, the composition of the Management Board of Eurasian Bank:


Pavel Loginov– Chief Executive Officer

Oleg Pechenkin, Nurbek Ayazbayev, Shukhrat Sadyrov, Ivan Belokhvostikov, Dina Katekova, Sabyrzhan Bekbosunov – Deputies of Chief Executive Officer, members of the Management Board.


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