

Press Release, Almaty, 19 August 2019


Eurasian Bank launched instant transfers by card number in the Smartbank Internet portal for Android and iOS users, which allows customers to transfer funds both within the Bank and to payment cards of other Kazakhstan banks.


“We are expanding the range of the most convenient and simple transactions in our online banking, the most popular among customers. In the near future, we will fully implement the service, when it will be possible to save this card in your personal account, as well as launch reverse transfers – from a card of other second-tier banks to Eurasian cards,” said Ilyas Mirmanov, Head of the Bank Digital Development Center.


Developing own mechanism of transfers by card number in the Smartbank application significantly simplifies and reduces the cost of money transfers compared to transfers to current accounts.


Today, the new infrastructure implemented in Smartbank has already passed an inspection and full comprehensive testing. Eurasian Bank positions transfers by card number as instant, since the estimated speed of transactions within the Bank is approximately 10-15 seconds, whereas earlier money was received within two hours. Moreover, transfers within deposits and current accounts, as well as payments in Smartbank are already conducted in a few seconds.


To use transfer by card number, you are required to select the Transfers Section on the main screen of the Smartbank application, then enter the card number and amount. The application also provides for a quick repeat of the transfer according to the template saved in the history. In the future, Eurasian Bank plans to add to the application entrance of the card number through scanning with a smartphone camera.


The fee for a transfer to a card of any second-tier bank within Kazakhstan is 0.9% of the transfer amount, minimum 200 tenge. Card-to-card transfers within the Eurasian Bank network are completely free. The application update is already available in the App Store and Play Market.


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