
Eurasian Bank Is Ready To Accept Most Tengri Bank Customers on 3-4 October Weekend

Almaty, 2 October 2020

The main payments of guarantee compensation to Tengri Bank depositors are expected on the 3-4 October weekend and will be made through the Outlets of Eurasian Bank, chosen by the Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund as an Agent Bank.


As of 2 October more than 44% of the total amount of obligations by the amount of guarantee compensation to the Tengri Bank depositors has already been paid. On Saturday and Sunday, 3 and 4 October, some Outlets will accept depositors’ applications, advise and make payments only to the Tengri Bank depositors, while the other part will serve both the Tengri Bank depositors and the Eurasian Bank customers.


For a full list of Outlets and Branches operating on 3 and 4 October, please see the link in the Questions and Answers Section, in Question 17.


Special service using all sanitary safety standards on these days will avoid queues and minimize the COVID-19-related risks. The lists of the operating Outlets and Branches are available on the Bank website eubank.kz.


However, the priority and safe way to get a compensation to a new card is ordering it online on the eubank.kz site. The money is credited within 5 days after the card issuing and signing the required documents sent via courier with a new card.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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