
Eurasian Bank Corporate Portfolio Growth Leader in 2021

Eurasian Bank significantly increased the pace of support for Kazakhstani business, and according to the results of the Financial Supervision Agency, it became the leader among the largest banks in terms of corporate lending growth in 2021. The Eurasian Bank corporate loans portfolio grew by almost 40% compared to a year earlier.


The Bank financed a number of new large and medium-sized projects in the manufacturing and food industries, as well as housing and communal services within the framework of public-private partnership.


“Last year we increased our focus on corporate business development. With the renewal of the management team, the Bank went into economic financing areas new to it. We help customers to produce meat, beverages, lay pipeline networks and gas pipelines in the housing sector,” explained the Chairman of the Management Board Valentin Morozov.


He added that the dynamic growth of the corporate portfolio is a significant event for Eurasian Bank, since until now the Bank, consistently among the top 10 largest financial institutions in the country, has been mainly the leader in retail lending.


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