
Press Release

Eurasian Bank Distinguished Students Who Created Devices For People With Disabilities

6 December 2021


Eurasian Bank awarded the TOM: Pavlodar Makeathone participants – creators of the best devices for people with disabilities, with cash certificates.


The organizers of the makeathone in Kazakhstan are the Association of Friends of Tel Aviv University in the Republic of Kazakhstan ALE with the support of the ERG Eurasian Group.


The twelfth makeathone was held for the third time at the site of the Toraighyrov University NJSC, where seven teams worked for 72 hours to create devices to facilitate the daily life of people with disabilities. The devices were made according to individual requests and needs, where the main criterion was the ability to use the developed devices in the very near future.


The jury this year included Aleksandr Naumov, Deputy CEO of Eurasian Bank, Sergey Petukhov, President of ERG Service LLP, Saniya Arapova, Vice President of the Association of Friends of Tel Aviv University in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Asylkhan Mazdubay and Ultuar Zhalmagambetova, Deputy Deans for Scientific Work at the Toraighyrov University NJSC.


The first place was unanimously given to the TRINITY team, the participants demonstrated devices – walkers for walking up the stairs for people with cerebral palsy. The second place was taken by the Vector team from the Toraighyrov University NJSC, the participants made special shoes with fixation and ankle support for the girl Aygerim with cerebral palsy. The third place went to two teams – Iskra and Quantorium. The winners received gift certificates of various denominations from a large chain of electronics stores.


In addition, Aleksandr Naumov, Deputy CEO of Eurasian Bank, distinguished three more teams – SocialProjectPavlodar, Altensur and Zhiger.Orthopedics, presenting them with cash prizes on behalf of the Bank. Participants will be able to spend the funds received to refine their devices.


“The TOM: Pavlodar Makeathone is a platform where the problems of specific people with disabilities and those who generally have needs for special devices are solved. It is clear that 72 hours is not enough to construct a full-fledged device, but at least these ideas can be developed and launched into mass production, helping more people. The Bank’s development strategy suggests that we should make people’s lives better, regardless of individual characteristics, so I was happy to participate in the event and was delighted with what I saw. I would like to note that I really liked the format of the makeathone, which helped young people from different regions to solve the “pains” of real people, as well as improve their soft skills – communication and collaboration skills,” said Aleksandr Naumov, Deputy CEO of Eurasian Bank.

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