
Eurasian Bank Supports Opening Craft Boutique for Special Talents

On the eve of its 30th anniversary, Eurasian Bank decided to make a significant contribution to society through a series of charitable initiatives. One of them was the creation of the Craft Boutique, which will feature products made by people with special needs working in the IASP Artisan House.

The project was initiated by the International Association of Social Projects (IASP), with which the Bank has been cooperating for several years. The IASP Artisan House is an important IASP initiative implemented in 2019. The idea of creation was inspired by the belief that every person, despite the difficulties of life, has unique talents and abilities that can be recognized and appreciated.

“The anniversary is not only a reason for celebration, but also an opportunity to make the world around us more open and fairer. We believe that the Craft Boutique will become not just a place to sell products, but also a space where people with special needs can showcase their special talents. We are convinced that such projects play an important role in promoting inclusion, creating a society where everyone has equal opportunities for self-realization,” said Lyazzat Satiyeva, CEO of Eurasian Bank.


Today, the IASP Artisan House employs teenagers and young people with various diagnoses: Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, hearing problems. They create unique products from recycled materials: advertising banners, leftover leather shoes, jeans and used ties. These materials turn into stylish bags, cases for PCs and tablets, souvenirs and household goods.

Previously, the products were sold in charity corners of shops and at fairs in Almaty, but now there will be an opportunity to present them in their own showroom, which will open within the walls of the organization.

“Opening our own boutique is of particular importance to us,” says Silvia Galbiati, Executive Director of IASP. “Such a place will allow us to regularly demonstrate the full range of products of our craftsmen. We strive for everyone to see the talent and abilities of our guys, evaluate the quality of their work and understand that people with special needs can be incredibly productive. In addition, it is important for us that our young craftsmen participate in the sale of their products, feeling their importance and pride in what they are doing, because this is really a lot of work for them.”


The Head of the IASP also added that in the future it is planned to involve other Almaty organizations working with special people. “This will give an opportunity not only to our guys, but also to other guys to sell their work. We are sincerely grateful to Eurasian Bank for its constant support, which allows us to achieve great results. When we join forces, we become stronger and can change the world for the better.”

It is important to note that today IASP is not only engaged in supporting artisans. The organization provides rehabilitation services to children and young people with special needs, helps more than 180 families in difficult life situations, and implements vocational training and employment programs for at-risk youth and people with disabilities. As part of its initiatives, IASP conducts classes in four areas, where 50 teenagers are taught the art of felt, woodwork, cutting and sewing, as well as cooking programs.

To learn more about the activities of IASP and to get acquainted with the products of the IASP Artisan House, please visit the official website of the organization at the link.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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