
We give 11% Bonuses in Honor of World Shopping Day!

Eurasian Bank Launches Action in Honor of World Shopping Day!


Do not miss the opportunity to please yourself with good purchases on beneficial terms.


For three whole days – from 10 to 12 November 2023 inclusive, when paying for goods and services on the Internet with Eurasian Bank cards, you get 11% bonuses from each purchase (including +1% guaranteed bonus).


You can order a card here.


Buy at your pleasure, Eurasian Bank makes sure that part of the money spent on purchases is returned to your account!

Ваш город: Алматы.

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Получить консультацию


Ваша заявка принята. Наш менеджер перезвонит Вам в самое ближайшее время для уточнения деталей.


Получить консультацию


Ваша заявка принята. Наш менеджер перезвонит Вам в самое ближайшее время для уточнения деталей.

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