
Examples of fraudulent schemes and tips for avoiding problems

Today, not so many loan fraud schemes can be widespread. However, we can observe isolated cases of fraud. Scammers operate using several schemes. What should Kazakhstanis be wary of?


1. Getting a loan with a fake ID.


Someone lost an identity card, and the document fell into the attackers’ hands. What can they do with it?


1. Forge an identity card using a photo of another person who agrees to participate in a criminal deal for a fee.
2. Send a person with a fake ID to a lending institution, for example, a microfinance company office or even a bank for a loan.


This method will work when getting a credit card or applying for a cash loan. With an auto loan or a mortgage it will not work out – a bank security service will notice signs of fraud.


Getting a cash loan is only possible if supported by an employee of a financial institution involved in the crime.


What to do: if you lose your ID, contact the police. Be sure to get a police certificate with the date of appeal and keep it.


2. Lending through intermediaries.


On the streets of cities and in the Internet, there are a lot of advertisements from companies promising one hundred percent loan approval for a fee. However, this is a dubious service, as the loan approval is affected by assessment of the customer’s financial capabilities and credit history by a risk forecast subdivision and the bank’s security service. There is also credit scoring – a special program evaluating the applicant’s creditworthiness. More often than not, such companies simply fool you. They may disappear with your money. Or issue a successfully approved bank application for their merit, and if unsuccessful, refer to circumstances not related to the real situation.


What to do: apply for a loan directly to the bank, pay payments on time, so as not to spoil your credit history and get loans that you can repay.


3. Fraud with credit cards.


The first option is fake ATMs. Attackers install constructions with pictures similar to bank logos. The customer uses the card, enters his PIN-code, and then the device freezes up and withdraws funds from the card.


The second option is reading a PIN-code or skimming. Fraudsters equip a real ATM with a special keyboard and cover for a card reader. The PIN-code and the card data are read and transmitted to the criminals using the patch and keyboard. After this, the funds on the card are no longer safe.


What to do: be sure to connect SMS-notifications, monitor transactions and report to the Bank about any suspicious actions on the card account.


Note! The Bank employees never, under any circumstances, call and send letters or text messages with a request to share payment card details, PIN-code, login and password.


If you suspect that your data has fallen into the intruder’s hands or if you have discovered that transactions are conducted on your accounts without your permission, please contact the Bank by calling at:


+7 (727) 332-77-22 — landline;
+7 (771) 000-77-22 — Beeline;
+7 (700) 000-77-22 — Altel/Tele2;

+7 (702) 000-77-22 — Kcell/Activ.

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