
Dear Bank of Astana Customers!

Eurasian Bank informs that it starts accepting applications for issuance of guaranteed compensation by deposits, current and card accounts of Bank of Astana depositors.

When will acceptance of applications begin?
Reception of applications will begin on 21 January 2019 and will last until 21 July 2019.


Who may apply for compensation?

Natural persons and individual entrepreneurs shall be entitled to reimbursement of money placed on deposits, current and card accounts with Bank of Astana.

How much is the guaranteed compensation?

Depending on the type and currency, the compensation shall be provided:

– up to 10 million tenge by deposits, current accounts and payment cards in tenge;

– up to 5 million tenge by deposits and accounts in foreign currency.

Moreover, if you have several deposits, different in types and currencies, then the guarantee compensation for them totally should not exceed 15 million tenge.

Who shall guarantee the compensation to the Bank of Astana customers?

The Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund at the expense of the special reserve funds shall fully provide Eurasian Bank with money to pay compensation to the Bank of Astana depositors.

How shall the compensation be paid?

The compensation shall be paid in 5 ways:

  • Transfer to a deposit, current or card account with Eurasian Bank, if such are already opened.
  • Transfer to a new deposit or current account with Eurasian Bank.
  • Transfer to a new card of Eurasian Bank.
  • Cash on hand at the cash desk.
  • Transfer to another bank.


What documents are required to get the guarantee compensation?

  1. The original of the identity document, with the IIN.
  2. Also, when contacting Eurasian Bank, you will be provided with an application for payment of the guarantee compensation, which you will fill out yourself.

The Bank may request additional documents as required — please carefully read the list of required documents on the frequently asked questions page “For customers of the Astana Bank”.

When is it better to schedule a visit to the Bank?

For prompt payment of compensation to the Bank of Astana depositors, all Eurasian Bank outlets servicing individuals operate on 26 and 27 January (Saturday and Sunday).


Additionally, for payment of compensation to the Bank of Astana customers, the Bank strengthened seven outlets. For a list of reinforced branches, see the frequently asked questions “For customers of the Astana Bank“.

In which Branches shall the Bank issue the guarantee compensation?

The guarantee compensation shall be issued in all Eurasian Bank Outlets. For convenience of the Bank of Astana depositors, all Eurasian Bank outlets servicing individuals operate on 26 and 27 January.

26 January 2019 – from 08:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

27 January 2019 – from 08:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.

From 28 January 2019, outlets operate in standard mode, with the exception of outlets strengthened for payment of compensation to the Bank of Astana customers, such outlets operate from 09:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m. For addresses of all branches, see eubank.kz in the section “Branches and Terminals”. For a list of reinforced branches, see the frequently asked questions “For customers of the Astana Bank“.

When will the guaranteed refund be accrued?

According to the law, Eurasian Bank shall pay guaranteed compensation within 5 business days from the date of submission of the required documents confirming the right to payment of guaranteed compensation, however, we try to pay compensation on the same day as at the moment of application.


“I still have a question. Where can I get an answer?”

Answers to frequent asked questions, addresses of outlets, a list of additional documents and detailed terms for making payments are posted at eubank.kz.


In addition, Eurasian Bank Contact Center staff are always ready to help you if you call us at:


  • Landline: +7 (727) 332-77-22.
  • Beeline: +7 (771) 000-77-22.
  • Tele2/Altel: +7 (700) 000-77-22.
  • Kcell: +7 (702) 010-77-22.


Feedback Managers in the Bank’s social networks are at your service as well:
Facebook: @eurasianbank

Instagram: @eurasianbank

ВКонтакте: @eubank_kz
Telegram: @bankeurasian, @eulady

Ваш город: Алматы.

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