
Eurasian Bank Makes Additions to Tariffs for Individuals and Legal Entities

From 13 January 2023, additions to the tariffs for services provided through the Smartbank remote banking system to individuals and legal entities (branches and representative offices), individual entrepreneurs, farms, private notaries, private bailiffs, advocates and professional intermediaries, foreign diplomatic and consular missions come into force in terms of lending.


Tariffs for legal entities:


  Subject to VAT  
9.1. Fee for the provision of financing (extended credit line) (from the amount of the credit line/loan, or from the amount of the remaining Principal) (including VAT if the loan has not yet been issued) * 1.0%
9.2. Examination of the project (applied at the initial request of the client and determination of its compliance with the eligibility criteria for financing in the Bank) (including VAT) * 0 tenge
9.3. For issuing a certificate of calculation of loan arrears and accrued interest (including VAT) 0 tenge
9.4. Consulting services on issues related to financial activities (drafting agreements, contracts) with the preparation of an act of works performed (services rendered) (including VAT) * 23,100 tenge
9.5. Changes in the terms of the extended credit line agreement (from the amount of the credit line/loan, or from the amount of the remaining Principal) (including VAT) * 1.0%
9.6. Extension of the extended credit line (from the amount of the credit line/loan, or from the amount of the remaining Principal) (including VAT) * 1.0%
9.7. Fee for consideration of the application (acceptance and processing of a package of documents; preparation of expert opinions by the Bank services; consideration of the project at a meeting of the Authorized Body; execution of the decision of the Authorized Body; other procedures for preparing for the loan issuance process) is subject to VAT in case of refusal to issue a loan; including VAT in case of refusal * 3,200 tenge (for individual entrepreneurs)
10,000 tenge (for legal entities)
9.8. Fee for reserving funds under an extended credit line (including VAT) * 0 tenge
9.9. For issuing, at the request of the client, a certificate of consent to registration (de-registration) at the place of residence of an individual, for legalizing alterations, buildings, extensions made on the territory of collateral (including VAT) 3,000 tenge
9.10. For issuing, at the request of the client, a certificate of permission to replace the registration number of the vehicle, which is collateral, for the reissue of the vehicle registration certificate, for the restoration of lost documents for the vehicle (including VAT) 3,000 tenge
  Not subject to VAT  
9.11. Fee for provision of a loan/credit line (from the amount of the credit line/loan, or from the amount of the remaining Principal) (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan provided) * 1.0%
9.12. For changing the repayment schedule for the loan / credit line within the term established by the Agreement 0.5 (zero point) % of the amount of the remaining principal debt
9.13. Changes in the terms of Loan Agreements and provision of a credit line (from the amount of the credit line/loan, or from the amount of the remaining Principal) (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan) * 1.0%
9.14. For changing the terms of financing at the initiative of the client (increasing the availability period, extension of the loan/credit line, other changes in the terms of financing at the initiative of the client) 1 (one) % of the amount of the balance of the principal debt on the loan/credit line
9.15. Fee for  provision of a tranche within the framework of a loan with a disbursement schedule/credit line (from the amount of the tranche) (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan provided) * 1.0%
9.16. Fee for provision of a tranche (in cash) within the extended credit line (tenge) (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan provided) * 0 tenge
9.17. Fee for reserving funds under a credit line/loan with a disbursement (repayment) schedule (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan provided) * 0 tenge
9.18. Fee for servicing the loan issued (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan provided) * 0 tenge
9.19. Fee for servicing the unused debt limit (for reserving resources) (from the amount of the unused limit) (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan provided) * 1.0%
9.20. Fee for consideration of the application (tenge) (charged if the loan is approved) (excluding VAT within the framework of the loan) * 2,000 tenge
9.21. For arranging a loan / opening a credit line/ for increasing the financing limit 1 (one) % of the loan amount/ credit limit / credit limit increase
9.22. For consideration of issues on changing the conditions of the subject(s) of the pledge on the loan, as well as when replacing the subject(s) of the pledge, replacing the pledger(s) 0.2 (zero point two) % of the amount of the limit/of the amount of the balance of the principal debt on the loan
  Penalty (fine, penalty fee) for non-fulfillment / late fulfillment of the terms of the Bank Loan Agreement / Credit Line Agreement  
9.23. Penalty for violation of the obligation to repay the loan amount and/or payment of interest For legal entities:
0.3 (zero point three) % of the amount of overdue payment for each day overdue;
For an individual without a legal entity:
0.3 (zero point three) % of the amount of overdue payment, for each day overdue after 90 (ninety) days overdue, the penalty is 0.03 (zero point three hundredths) % of the overdue payment amount for each day overdue, but not more than 10 (ten) % of the amount of the loan issued for each year of the agreement
9.24. For misuse of the loan / tranche 25 (twenty-five) % of the loan amount/tranche not used for its intended purpose
9.25. For early full/partial repayment of the loan 0.5 (zero point five) % of the amount of the principal debt subject to early repayment during the period of the moratorium specified in the agreement / contract
9.26. For non-fulfillment of the terms of the agreement/contract, except for the conditions specified in paragraphs 9.23., 9.24., 9.25. 0.2 (zero point two) % of the loan/tranche amount for each violation of the terms of the contract / agreement
9.27. For providing false, incomplete and/or unreliable information 0.5 (zero point five) % of the loan amount/limit
  Note to p.9.:  
   – For individual lending products, there may be other amounts of fees and penalties (fines, penalty fines). If the product (program) of crediting provides for other amounts of fees and penalties (fines, penalty fines), the fees established by the lending product (program) shall apply  
   – If the conditions are changed at the initiative of the Bank, no fee is charged, unless otherwise provided in the Decision of the Bank Authorized Body  
   – For loans in foreign currency, fees are charged in the currency of the CLA/BLA, based on the amount of fees set in tenge (at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the day of payment)  
   – The amount of fees, penalties (fines, penalty fines), the procedure and terms of payment of fees are changed on the basis of decisions of the Bank Authorized Body with the appropriate authority  
   – In case of an increase in the amount of the CLA limit and changes in other conditions (clauses 9.12. and 9.14.), one fee is deducted in accordance with clause 9.21.  
  *Fees are valid under contracts concluded before the approval of new tariffs. (According to the Decision of the BD No. 104 of 28.12.2022)  



Tariffs for individuals:


4.10. Fee for issuing a certificate of loan debt on a loan in the Smartbank RBSS 0 tenge


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