
Eurasian Bank Supported #ChistoGory Eco-Movement and Invites Kazakhstan Creators to Promote Conscious Behavior in Nature

The #ChistoGory public eco-movement, which includes environmental activists, tourist guides and all concerned people who oppose the littering of natural territories, invite artists, illustrators, designers, creative teams and curators to join the environmental initiative and take part in the ChistoGory/TazaTau2023 poster contest.


Works of art that popularize conscious behavior among visitors to natural areas are accepted for participation in the competition.


The following criteria are taken into account when selecting:

1) artistic component: aesthetic value of the presented works, their originality and novelty;

2) conceptual component: the integrity of the presented topics and compliance with the general idea of the competition;

3) technical component: compliance with the stated requirements of the competition.


Within the framework of the competition, it is planned to select at least 20 works of art to participate in the exhibition, which will be held from 26 April to 4 June in Almaty, and then will be placed in the Ile-Alatau National Natural Park.


The selection of works for the final exhibition will be conducted by a jury, which, in addition to experts in the field of ecology and tourism, includes specialists in the field of communications, art curators, world-famous Kazakhstani artists, in particular, Saule Suleymenova.


The competition period is from 20 March to 9 April 2023. The jury will announce the winners on 14 April 2023.


“I love Almaty very much and I am glad that hiking and trekking are so popular among residents and guests of the city. However, this has a reverse picture — mountains of garbage on mountain trails. That is why we are so impressed with the idea of the #Chistogory/TazaTau2023 project— through creativity, art to remind people about the fragility of the surrounding world, the unique flora and fauna that pleases and inspires us, and about respect for other tourists. In this case, I would paraphrase a well-known phrase, “We did not inherit the mountains from our ancestors, we borrowed them from our children,”” said Ms. Lyazzat Satiyeva, CEO of Eurasian Bank.


More detailed information about the competition is here (the competition provisions).

Ваш город: Алматы.

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