
December -Time for Beneficial Purchases with Eurasian Bank! Meet the unique 0-0-30* Promotion!

Eurasian Bank prepared a special gift for its customers — a new Promotion that makes your purchases even more beneficial.


Have time to apply for a loan on a 30-month installment plan with the 30-60 grace tariff from the Bank partners Мechta, Sulpak, 12 Mesyatsev, Evrika, Alser EuroMebel.


What is 30-60 Grace?


A loan product with an installment plan. That is, you apply for a loan for 60 months, but with a 30-month installment plan. If the amount of the goods is closed during the grace period, the loan is considered as the installment plan.


What are the advantages of 30-60 Grace?


– Minimum financial burden due to the loan term of 60 months;

– The approval level is higher due to the low payment;

– No penalties for partial and full early repayment;

– In case of delay, the grace period for the current loan remains.


The Promotion is valid until 31 December 2023.


Have time to make beneficial purchases with Eurasian Bank!


*The interest rate is from 0% per annum (AERR from 9.3% per annum).

Ваш город: Алматы.

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